Book a Session

Advanced Energy Medicine Workshop

If you have a small group of 6 or more participants, I would love to arrange a 2-day Advanced Energy Medicine Workshop in your area!

Together, you will deepen your practice by uncovering new energetic relationships, greatly expanding the energy systems you already know.

I will share techniques that I’ve developed in 15 years of practicing Energy Medicine and 30+ years of spiritual practice. We will draw on age-old Chinese Medicine wisdom to uncover new ways of working with energy, all of which you can apply immediately to expand your current practice.

See details

Workshop details


Each day the morning session will include a presentation, discussion, and demonstration. The afternoon will be hands-on, mentored work
with a partner.

  • Time: 9 AM to 6 PM (both days)

I've added content suggestions, and I can modify the material to the needs of your class!


Contact me!

Day 1

  • Interacting with Energy - A brief discussion on energetic listening, hearing, and interpretation.
  • Opening the Flow of Heart, the Supreme Controller - In Chinese Medicine, Heart official is considered the Supreme Controller of the officials.
  • Honouring Liver, the Engineer - In Chinese Medicine, Liver official is tasked with sending out blueprints to the organs for optimal function and flow.

You will learn how to ensure Heart and Liver are not cut off or compromised so that they can perform their important roles. We will cover deep protocols for building Heart and Liver connections and communication so that Heart love can flow strongly and that each organ has a clear direction for optimal health and peace in the body.

Day 2

  • Exploring Energy Intricacies in Multiple Levels of Existence - Energies can be accessed through many subtle aspects and perspectives. When you consider all of nature interacting with the energy, it opens infinite possibilities for important dialogue.
  • Detecting Distortions, Density, Trauma Stories, and more - The physical body has many secrets tucked safely away in places that may be sealed and protected. Often there are links to the past holding these in place.

We will cover the aspects and levels of energy as I experience them and a protocol for moving through layers to detect imbalance and pockets of density. This protocol will guide you to find clear links that are holding the pattern, and you can use it to refuel the area with healing light.